Friday, October 3, 2014

Farewell to Laughing Horse

A week later, we are still in the aftermath of losing one of the last all ages venues in Portland, Oregon. Laughing Horse Film and Book Collective had been around for 29 years - in various locations around the city. For years punks have been gathering at this DIY space to host a variety of local and touring bands. Their safe and sober policy made the shop feel welcoming, and I fear it is the last of it's kind here in our town. We can only hope that another volunteer-run space will pop up in Laughing Horse's wake, if only with more help from the community.

"The overwhelming amount of support that Laughing Horse received at the farewell show was truly touching and inspiring. Although it's amazing that so many people came out to wish laughing horse goodbye, I can't help but think about how half the people there had never even been to the space, and so many people seemed to disrespect our safe and sober space policies. If DIY, safer spaces, and all ages venues are ever going to succeed, they need the support of the community. Direct involvement is necessary to keep places like Laughing Horse running, and although countless people have put in a great deal of effort to keep LH going, it obviously wasn't enough. Portlanders are extremely passive, and punks in this city expect everything to be done for them. If a space like Laughing Horse is ever going to exist in this city again, the radical community, punks, and anyone that gives the slightest fuck about DIY have to actively work at being part of their community to make things happen, instead of waiting around for a small group of people to do everything for them. Maybe if more people had cared to be directly involved, Laughing Horse would still be open." - Melanie Joplin, a recent volunteer at Laughing Horse.

 Melanie Joplin

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